


·         Video , Presentation, PDF

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·         Theory

o   PhD Papers

§  Towards Quranic Reader Controlled by Speech; Yacine Yekache et al.

§  Independent Learning Of Quran (Iloq)-Alphabet Using Speech Recognition, Shafiqah Binti Sholehuddin et al.

§  Makhraj Recognition for Al-Quran Recitation using MFCC, Nurul Wahidah Arshad et al.

§  Approach for Recognizing Allophonic Sounds of the Classical Arabic Based on Quran Recitations, Yahya O. Mohamed Elhadj et al.

§  Quranic Verse Recitation Recognition Module for Support in j-QAF Learning, Zaidi Razak et al.

§  More…

·         Tech

o   Tool Kits

§  Kyoto University Julius

§  Carnegie Mellon University Sphinx

§  Cambridge University HTK

§  Janus Recognition

§  More…


o   Languages

§  C, C++, Java


o   APIs

§  Microsoft

§  Android

§  Java

§  Google

§  More…



·         Survey (ربيع الآخر 1436, Professionals Meet, White Field)

·         About the Discussion Forum, it’s up on Google Groups (!forum/quranapp1); please bear with the registration procedures for now.